Hi everyone! This is a project I did for our master bathroom. The best part is how I scored a really good deal on the frames I bought. The second best part is that only took me 10 minutes to do {Personal record!} Check it out:
Andrew & I have towel hooks across from the shower in our bathroom. I wanted to put something above each one to signify which is his and which is mine. I contemplated a few ways of doing this… monograms, baby pictures, or his & hers frames. My project ended up being a spin on the last one. I liked the way that one looked, but I didn't want to glue a frame or letters to our wall. Instead I bought two picture frames (one 4x6, one 5x7) at the craft store, took the glass out of each frame & replaced it with card stock, then glued my little wooden letters to the card stock with an Elmer's glue stick. I contemplated staining the letters, but I ended up keeping them plain because I liked the monochromatic look.
Because he had texted me, I knew Andrew was just a few minutes from home. I ran up to our bathroom to hang them up. When he walked in the door I came bounding down the stairs to greet him, hammer in hand. His response to my welcome home was: